
Popp sökkar (fyrir utan bíópopp)

Textar eru það mikilvægasta í tónlist að mínu mati. Lög geta verið góð án þess að vera með góða texta, en lög eru best ef textinn er góður líka.
Þess vegna sökkar eiginlega allt popp.

I adapt mega eiga það að textarnir þeirra eru góðir og lögin oftast líka. Ég ætla að láta einn texta og lagið með fylgja hérna, þetta lag er eitt albesta lag sem ég hef heyrt. Textinn á þar stóran þátt

I Wish(linkur)

I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm sorry that I made you cry.
I wish I knew you better. I wish I knew the reasons why. I remember
when we were kids, how we laughed, played and had good times.
Too bad those are just memories. Reflections of time gone.
I guess I thought I was above you. I guess I thought my spirit would rise,
through bringing your down. As always I was wrong. Made the wrong turn
at your expense. Through time, I've learned to be a better person.
I've realized the fault was mine. I wish I'd been there for you.
But I wasn't at your expense. I wish that I could take your place.
I wish I could reverse time. I'm sorry that I haven't been better...
I'm sorry that I haven't been a better brother. But I promise I'll try.

1 comment:

kristjangud said...

djöfull getur þú borðað af bíópoppi maður...